Here's a couple quick speed paints of some buildings/street scenes I looked up using Googles 'Street View'. A great way to find building Reference btw.
Really like how the colors give you a sense of the mood/feeling of the locales. Never thought of using Google street view for reference, that's brilliant! Anyways, great looking stuff!
Great speed paints! Love the colors used in each one, gives a great setting for mood and time of day. Excellent stuff, keep up the amazing speed and talent :D
Really like how the colors give you a sense of the mood/feeling of the locales. Never thought of using Google street view for reference, that's brilliant! Anyways, great looking stuff!
They are gorgeous. I'd love to see the street scenes that inspired them.
These are amazing ! You do some really awesome speeds. <3
Great speed paints! Love the colors used in each one, gives a great setting for mood and time of day.
Excellent stuff, keep up the amazing speed and talent :D
Your paintings are wonderful!! Thank you for sharing!
Great style!
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