Toronto Fan Expo!
This past weekend I attended my first Comic Con at Toronto Fan Expo and it was a Blast!
My good friend Dapper Dan Schoening and myself shared a Table in Artist Alley selling our Arts and hanging out with all the amazingly talented people surrounding us.It was a great experience and I can't wait until the time rolls around again next year!
For the Con I created a limited run Sketchbook filled with 28 color pages o Art. I still have some copies leftover from the Con so if any of you are interested feel free to shoot me a message or email :) The books are $15 (+ Shipping).I uploaded two sample pages here and here to have a peak! I decided to put a little of my love for Little Golden Books into it's cover :)

I also figured it was about bloody time I uploaded some more Art on this Blog of mine!
So here is a series of 3 images I created for the Fan Expo and sold as prints. I entitled them my "Villainy Abound" Series.
Hope you enjoy!

These kick some major butt, I love the stylizations!
Wow! Love Batman!
Youn are very talented.
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