Illustration Friday "Instinct" and Clown Attacks!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Here is my submission for this weeks Illustration Friday topic "Instinct". That's right...we're talking "Basic" Instinct, and this bear don't fool around!

I also included a pic I recently did for a buddy of mine that just broke his collarbone. Tried to give him a more interesting injury story...and we all know Clowns like breaking bones!
Hope you enjoy!
Wow, that bear is delightfully creepy, very nicely rendered as well.
I love it. Love it so much :P
Brilliant! Perfect! Admirable!
As all your works here! Hats off!
both pieces are awesome! amazing work!
btw...hope your friend gets well soon!
Hahahahaha!!! So great concept it´s so funny. Awesome stuff in your blog too.
Awesome blog! This Bear is pretty sleazy looking, kinda freaking me out. Great stuff.
Now that's a clever twist!!
Great work Cale! I was wondering if anyone would attempt the "basic instinct". You are courageous and talented. Nice!
Nice! Very funny, that bear's expression is fantastic.
That Bear is priceless!
I like it!
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