Hey everyone!
After a couple weeks being too busy to get a pic in for friday I'm happy to post one for this weeks topic "Momentum"!
Nothing stops an Elephant on Rollerskates! hmmm cept maybe another Elephant on Rollerskates travelling in the opposite direction...
Hope you enjoy!
HA ! HA !! Great characters! Love the expression!
this is ao funny...the characters are great, as usual,...love the elephant's expression!
I totally LOVE this!! Great work!! Love the cute Grandma!! : )
This is awesome!!! Love your work!!!
Nice pic Cale, this looks great
Buen trabajo.
Wow! That's AWESOME!!! You are now one of my favorite artists. :)
This is really wonderful - great expressions all around - wonderful movement and composition, and the overall concept itself is GREAT! Love it!
genial este dibujo! divertido el elefante y los colores...
I love the shapes you used, especially the granny's rounded back. Very cool concept too.
terrific, but get out of his way!
Wonderful! Very witty and a gorgeous looking image. Like the texture and the granny's little dog :)
fantastic work.. the expressions on the characters are great.
Tou have a great design sense and this has rich textural value. Your work's design, colors, and textures has always reminded me of a book from the (60's?) "there's an elephant in the bathtub" by Roger Bradfield. My mom had that book I always liked the pictures.
the old lady is just too well done for my infidel eyes, and what can i say about ur ideas rather than genius ... cheers man , thanx 4 the inspiration!
I see a crash coming! LOL this is great!
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