I thought it was about time I started participating in some of the fun illustration Friday topics to warm up and get the brain turning. Here is my first for the weeks topic being "Geeky". I mean what's more geeky then a Gator looking at Pie charts!? Click for Full Size Geekiness
Nice one! This made me laugh out loud!
An orange alligator at that! I like your color palette, the loooong snout and suit to boot! Nice nice!
I'm so curious what the different pies mean. Small swamp critters chomped?
I love this illo!!
Cute gator, fancy suit!
Full of gatorly geekiness! Fun!
diggin the style and everything. what short arms but such a long snout!
Mmmm pie....chart.
Geeky gator looks so proud of his pie chart and he should be cause it's part of an awesome design. Love the suit!
Thanks for turning me on to illustration friday I have my crayons out and ready for this weeks. :D
Awesome design!!
Thanks everyone! So glad to hear you like the geeky gator!
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